This new Angel Orb depicts three Vesica Pisces each containing a circle. Available in Incandescent no longer available in Bermuda Blue
A Vesica Pisces brings in Higher Light. Acircle indicate completion. The time has come for us to work with the Higher expressions of MMM group to raise our own vibrations as well as those of this planet.
Metatron, Melchizidek and Michael are shown as three expressions of the Infinite Creator, all contained within the larger double circle around the design. The circle in each Vesica Pisces is indicative that these three energy expressions are seen as complete in their expression and connection to God.
The central dot is once again the heart centre from which we all need to work to stay actively connected to these three significant Higher Energies.
Using and meditating with this orb connects one to the energy expression of the MMM-group, which will allow one to interface with this extremely High Energy.